One of our favorite featured artists is Olive Moya. We were first drawn to Olive's work because of the movement she creates using bright, eye catching colors. Then upon meeting her we were hooked! She is a down to earth ray of sunshine, much like her work. We have loved featuring her art in our brick & mortar storefront. Read on for an inside look into the life of Olive.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day is being woken up by my three year old next to my bed whispering and/or yelling "I'm hungry mommy." We eat breakfast together, take the dog out and if it's a busy day I'll take him to visit the grandparents (they are heaven sent and it takes a village!). The work is always different depending on what project I'm currently in the middle of. Sometimes I load my car and go paint murals, others I'll be in my studio catching up on commissions. Then there's the days filled with emails, contracts, invoices, etc. Sometimes I'm busy designing my next mural on my ipad, recording a podcast (@middlebrowpodcast), driving to deliver a piece to its new owner or meeting with a client at a coffee shop. It's always a bit different, definitely never boring. Then I rush back to pick up my son, make dinner and do it all over again!
How do you create balance in your life?
I do a really bad job at this. Working in a creative profession and being freelance is a recipe for working constantly. I'm lucky to have a husband and family who knows when to tell me (read: force me) to relax and put things aside for a second. Having my son can make work more difficult but it also gives me moments of balance. Sitting with him while he takes a bath or not being able to say no when he asks me to pleeeeeaase do a puzzle with him helps me be present.
Where does your inspiration come from?
I'm inspired by looking at art. My favorite way to spend a day is visiting galleries and museums with another artist and/or art lover and stopping for a delicious lunch to talk about the work. I host an art podcast with my best friend, and it gives me a reason to go on a deep dive to learn about the artist I've selected to talk about. I get so much out of seeing their progression over time, how their past influences what they make, and how they discovered materials and methods. Seeing new things, having new experiences, eating new food, looking at architecture or spaces I've never been to before also makes me so excited and inspired. For a quick fix, I also love working or reading in a coffee shop- I just love the vibe of everybody working and discussing ideas. And caffeine.
What pushed you to pursue your artistic career more full time?
Full time art has always been the goal. I've worked as an artist assistant, gallery receptionist, graphic designer at a small bookstore, and sign artist at Trader Joe's. All while going home and working on my own art. When I had my son, I couldn't go back to work and be able to pay childcare so I did as many odd lettering jobs and art shows in small restaurants etc. while starting a pack-walking business working with dogs. Eventually I started to get better art jobs and when Covid hit things got so busy that I had to stop my dog business. So the long and short answer is that it feels like it happened quickly but it was actually a long gradual process over the years.
Any design trends you are loving right now?
I love maximalism actually. I've always leaned towards being a bit TOO MUCH when making my space around me, so it falls in line with that. As much as I admire minimalism and wish I could be that way, I can't help but fill to the brim with art I love, photos I love, plants I love etc etc.
Are there any musicians or podcasts you're loving right now?
I've been listening to a lot of Solange, Thundercat, and Childish Gambino recently. As far as podcasts, I've been trying to educate myself to be a better anti-racist so I'm listening to Pod Save The People and Code Switch while filling in with my other favorites Dissect (music), Sound & Vision (art), Ologies (science), and My Favorite Murder (true crime).
If you could go on vacation right now where would you go & why?
OH, VACATION. I have a huge list, but my husband and I had a trip to Mexico City planned in 2019 that got cancelled. We were trying to book it for 2020 until Covid hit, so that's the first place we'll be when it's safe to travel. There's so many art museums I want to visit and food I want to eat. Plus, I'd like to paint a wall while I'm there. Second on that list is Japan!