In this exclusive interview with Denver house plant expert Neicy from Tigerlily Goods, we're diving deep into the transformative power of indoor greenery and uncovering the secrets to seamlessly integrating house plants into your home. Beyond mere decoration, these verdant companions are essential elements of interior design, infusing spaces with natural beauty and vitality.
But there's more to house plants than meets the eye. As Denise will reveal, they offer a wealth of health benefits, from purifying the air to promoting relaxation and well-being. With her expert guidance, you'll discover how to select the perfect plants for your space, optimize their care routines, and overcome common challenges to ensure they flourish for years to come.
Whether you're a seasoned plant aficionado or a newcomer to the world of indoor gardening, Denise's invaluable insights will empower you to cultivate a thriving oasis in your own home. So get ready to elevate your interior design game and embrace the lush, green world of house plants with confidence and style.

House Plant Tips with TigerLily Goods
Form: Neicy, to kick things off, tell us what your favorite houseplants are that thrive in low-light conditions, making them ideal for indoor spaces with limited natural sunlight? (Since we all have those spaces that fit this bill!)
Tigerlily Goods: Snake Plants, no question! They're one of the easiest houseplants there are and can grow in surprisingly low light. That's why they're a great choice for office buildings, garden level apartments and that corner that could just use a little pop!
Form: Can you recommend houseplants that are particularly effective at purifying indoor air and improving overall air quality?

Tigerlily Goods: Well, snake plants win again! They're at the top of NASA's list for plants that help purify the air. Some other winners are pothos, most palms and spider plants.
Form: What are some common mistakes people make when caring for houseplants, and how can they be avoided?
Tigerlily Goods: I'd say overwatering is probably the worst thing you can do. Plants are very resilient (they want to live!) and are much better off going a few days without water than getting too much. It's hard for most plants to bounce back from that. Learning to care for plants is a trial-and-error process and it just takes a little practice to learn your plant's needs.
I use this trick, "Be a hero, water on the zero", meaning I water my plants on the 10th, 20th and 30th. This isn't a steadfast rule, as different plants have different needs, but it's a good guideline. Check them on these days and water accordingly. You may notice some need it sooner and some can wait. Over time, you'll become accustomed to how each plant does in your space and make adjustments to your schedule.
Remember, every home is different... maybe your plant is near a heating vent and dries out quicker or a darker corner, he may not need as much water as a plant right near the window. Just pay attention and you'll have it down in no time.
Form: Are there any houseplants that are known to be pet-friendly, safe for homes with cats or dogs?
Tigerlily Goods: Yes! According to the ASPCA, there are plenty which are deemed safe for curious nibblers. A few that I always have in the shop are calatheas, spider plants, many palm and fern varieties and peperomias. Check here for more plants on their list.
Form: How do you recommend dealing with common pests and diseases that can affect indoor plants?
Tigerlily Goods: Stay on top of it! Check regularly and keep leaves polished and clean. This a good practice to keep since you'll easily notice any intruders. Look under leaves and where they meet the stem, check the soil too and any nooks and crannies. Look for any critters or webs and clean immediately (you should also quarantine them away from your other plants until clear). Use neem oil or a mixture of rubbing alcohol/ water to spot kill any buggers you find and keep on it for the next few weeks. Once you have a full-blown infestation, it's a nightmare to irradicate, so keeping ahead of it is key.

Form: Can you provide tips for choosing the right size and type of container for different types of houseplants?
Tigerlily Goods: A good rule of thumb is to choose a pot that's 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the pot you're currently using. For pots larger than 10", you'd want to go up 2-3" in size. More importantly, is knowing when to repot. If you notice your plant isn't responding to its normal watering schedule (needing drastically more water) or that roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot, it's usually a good sign that it's ready for a new vessel.
You may also notice that when you water, it seems to come directly out of the drain hole rather than absorbing into the soil. This is a pretty good indicator that your plant is rootbound and has outgrown his pot.
At Tigerlily Goods, we love repotting and showing our customers how it's done so they feel empowered to conquer it on their own next time! If you buy either the plant or pot from us, it's free. Otherwise, we charge a small soil fee based on the size of the pot. As far as the type of pot, I find that hoyas, snake plants, succulents and cacti (to name a few) do best in terracotta pots because they wick away excess water and absorb heat. Ceramic pots are great for tropicals and other houseplants! Think pothos, palms and calatheas.
Form: What are some creative ways to display and arrange houseplants to enhance interior decor?
Tigerlily Goods: This is a great opportunity to pull some vintage pieces into your decor. I love using old ironing boards, step stools and fruit crates for displaying plants. Create layers and little vignettes all over your home. I create tiers (for kind of a bleacher effect) so that each plant gets the chance to show off its natural beauty. They also feed off the humidity of one another and I find they grow much better when displayed in clusters. They like to be near their friends!
Form: Are there any houseplants that are known to be particularly resilient and low-maintenance, suitable for beginners or busy individuals? aka those who think they have a black thumb.
Tigerlily Goods: I specialize in easy-to-care-for houseplants and think there are many that would fit that bill but always point folks in the direction of a ZZ plant, if they don't already have one. They're in the same category as snakes as they're adaptable to lower light and extremely drought tolerant.
Form: How do you recommend adjusting plant care routines seasonally to accommodate changes in light, temperature, and humidity?
Tigerlily Goods: When colder temperatures approach in fall and we start bringing our outdoor plants inside, this is a great time to think about where they'll live for the winter. I move mine away from drafty windows and cold glass and place them together in clusters, they create a little microclimate and provide warmth and humidity for the group.
Form: Can you share any insights into the psychological benefits of having houseplants in indoor spaces, such as reducing stress and improving mood?
Tigerlily Goods: Plants provide so many amazing benefits, including air purification, reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep and mood and increasing humidity. They're also known to boost productivity and creativity, making them perfect for office settings! Plants exude a healthy environment and I believe send a subconscious message to your clients that you'll care for them the same way you do for plants.
To learn more about the plants in your home or to find the perfect addition to any space, visit Tigerlily Goods in Denver. Ready to liven up you space and find just the right place to add color with plants? Schedule a design consult today!